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At Schrijversvakschool you can learn how to write stories, poetry, novels, essays, plays and scripts. The school site provides you with information about the school and the teachers as well as news about (ex-)students who have their work published.
Schrijversvakschool needed a clear, transparent, open website that actually gives an idea of what it is like to study there. The site is a digital representative of the school itself: you get to know the teachers, you can find any information you need, enroll in one or more courses, read about students who have books, stories or poems published.

The initial design was made by the designers of De Hazen (Amsterdam) and translated by WebLab42 to a responsive website.

For the enrollment procedure we built a series of forms. Payment is done through iDEAL.

We have used tags throughout the whole site, e.g. for showing lists. That way the content manager never needs to worry if certain content will show up at the right place. Same goes for the FAQ-pages: for those we used Regular Labs Articles Anywhere, combined with Regular Labs Sliders, to show all FAQ-articles in a neat open/close slider way.
15th of February, 2018


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