The Swiss Federal Audit Office is the supreme audit institution of the Confederation. It assists parliamentand the Federal Council, is independent and is boundonly by the Constitution and the law.
A Joomla website for the nordic regions for Nintendo ( | | | Created for Bergsala AB (Nordic distributor for Nintendo).
Nintendo Co. Ltd. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics and software company headquart...
UIDAI is the Unique Identification Authority of India that manages Aadhaar. UIDAI was created with the objective to issue Unique Identification numbers (UID), named as "Aadhaar", to all residents of India. It is one of the busiest websites in India with thousands of pages across...
Providing an articles about history of Vietnam through periods. Users can also find information about famous wars, historical characters and historical places.
I developed a component to manage references that helps readers can quickly check information of historical characters, historical places and annotations when they reads an articles on my site.
I also developed a timeline module to display an articles about history in one period, this helps readers can easy to follow series of articles in one topic.