UIDAI is the Unique Identification Authority of India that manages Aadhaar. UIDAI was created with the objective to issue Unique Identification numbers (UID), named as "Aadhaar", to all residents of India. It is one of the busiest websites in India with thousands of pages across...
INNIO is a leading solutions provider of gas engines, power equipment, a digital platform and related services for power generation and gas compression at or near the point of use.
The managing director of E-Style won many prizes in the last decades. E-Style offers the best service offline (in their hair salon) and online (on their webshop). This website is used for showing blogs, making appointments and sell products. The goal is to give advice and gain tr...
Centre for Applied Disability Research (CADR) activities is provided through the NDS corporate governance structure. In addition, the CADR Advisory Board provides support and guidance on strategic directions, applied research projects and other initiatives like the CADR Disabilit...
Landing page for Stress Release Exercise app, the natural path to relaxation, body regeneration and inner peace. Site is multilanguage with 3 languages.
Helix3 framework is used for template. JEvents is used for event management.