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Larsen Marine

Located on Lake Michigan, Larsen Marine is the largest Great Lakes fresh water sailboat and powerboat broker for new and used boat sales, boat service, boat storage, and boat service and maintenance.
Originally built in Joomla 1.5, the Larsen Marine website is a rebrand of their online presence, and repositioning of the business incorporating a digital strategy that speaks to the entire boating community on the Great Lakes. Over the years the site has grown to include:

• An online bill payment system for customers using the nBill component, with payPal Pro for the payment processor.
• The 'pre-owned' boat section is built using K2 for the custom fields and ordering, the plugin Filter for K2 for the search functionality, and Simple Image Gallery for the image gallery.
• The 'new boats' section uses Joomla's core blog functionality to display abbreviated articles on the landing page, linked to detailed articles for each boat, and SJ Ultimate Gallery for the images and links to YouTube videos.
• AddThis is used for sharing/social media.
• RSForms manages the forms with a ConstantContact integration for the Join Our Mailing List.

Other extensions include: Admin Tools, Akeeba Backup, OSMap, sh404SEF.


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