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3-Cushion Billiards

3-Cushion Billiards - The convergence of sport, science and beauty. Millions of people enjoy this artistic and challenging cue sport. 3cushionbilliards.com delivers the latest news on tournaments and players from around the world. Our Where-To-Play directory is the most comprehensive listing of 3-Cushion Billiard rooms in the USA. Want to play in or watch a tournament? Check out our International event calendar. And shop for all your billiard supplies at our online store.
We started with the Gavick University template. We adopted the various sections to highlight the different aspects of the sport that visitors would enjoy. We maintain a US and World News section utilizing K2, an Opinions/Blog section utilizing native Joomla articles and a Where-To-Play directory and Events Calendar utilizing the component JEvents. Our online store is an Amazon aStore in an iframe. Social media is handled by AutotweetNG/Joocial,
25th of March, 2017


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