UIDAI is the Unique Identification Authority of India that manages Aadhaar. UIDAI was created with the objective to issue Unique Identification numbers (UID), named as "Aadhaar", to all residents of India. It is one of the busiest websites in India with thousands of pages across...
The Swiss Federal Audit Office is the supreme audit institution of the Confederation. It assists parliamentand the Federal Council, is independent and is boundonly by the Constitution and the law.
Website for an association that lists all the activities that can be done for prisoners in Belgian prisons. It goes from reading books, to sports and theater. Everything is classified either by type of activity, organisation or prison.
A lovely Hotel in Valposchiavo (Switzerland). It is famous for who wants fishing in the near lake of Le Prese. You can also get a Bike and go ahead for a wonderful mountain bike tour.
We have built that website after thought about the whole Hotel communication. Who are the usual customers? What kind of customers are them? Age so on.
We used Joomla 3.X and a Yootheme template based on Warp.
Actually the website has also 1 form made by using BreezingForms and the Acymailing component to send Newsletters.