Måløy Havneservice
Måløy Havneservice is a bunkerfacility in Måløy (Deknepollen) near Stadt on the west coast of Norway. The establishment was built 1994 and delivers ex pipe, by barge and trucks between Stadt and Florø.
Strategic location
Måløy Havneservice is strategically situated on the mainland side of Måløy harbour «in the middle of the shipping lane».
Wide range of products
Our range of products include gasoil and the common marine qualities of lubricants and grease. We also have modern claning facilities for fishing vessels and well boats and provide a variety of detergents. We can supply by barge or tanktruck.
Strategic location
Måløy Havneservice is strategically situated on the mainland side of Måløy harbour «in the middle of the shipping lane».
Wide range of products
Our range of products include gasoil and the common marine qualities of lubricants and grease. We also have modern claning facilities for fishing vessels and well boats and provide a variety of detergents. We can supply by barge or tanktruck.
Written from scratch in Topstyle 5 textbased editor. I have php and css blocks stored, then some copy and paste. Then styling with css. I write section by section, testing as I we go on PC, pad and cellphone.
Images edited in Photoshop CC.
Multilanguage. My own form app in module, iframe from my server.
Images edited in Photoshop CC.
Multilanguage. My own form app in module, iframe from my server.