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Kulebokräftan AB in Torsås in Småland founded in 1989 is the largest cultivation of the popular, original crayfish. The movement is driven by Petter Jansson who live in the village Kulebo with his family.

When production is in full swing, they produce approximately 200,000 juveniles in 62 larvae ponds and a large amount of semi-major way crayfish and adult consumption crayfish. Together with the founder of Kulebokräftan AB, Staffan Axelsson, they managed to turn the old family farm into a paradise for river crab's survival. The water in the ponds is clean and healthy and so rich in oxygen as crayfish requires. The facility is approved health of fish health and inspected every year.
Joomla version: 3.9.5
Template: Hydrogen on Gantry 5 framework by RocketTheme
Modules used: Gantry 5 Particle, Slideshow CK, sigplus
Made by Orangia AB; https://orangia.se
6th of October, 2016


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