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Racunarski fakultet

Racunarski fakultet (School of computing) offers Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degree programs in Computer Science and Software Engineering.
Faculty is located in Belgrade, Serbia and we are happy to say that we are in top 3 institutions in this field in Serbia.
Website contains all of the relevant information and services for both current and future students.
Website is based on k2 component, supported with gavick news2 template and heavily customised isis administrator template.

Most of website content (alumni, teachers, books, book of subjects) is inside k2, with variety of custom fields, depending of content type (categories).
The rest of contents (news, info...) are joomla articles.
Content is bilingual, and content in Serbian uses plugin (modified xa-converter) to offer cyrillic and latin version of contents. Language switching is partly rewritten to meet this demand.

Jumi is used in several places, for various application forms.

Simple image gallery plugin is used for handling image galleries in news.

User groups and access levels are defined, and isis template overrides are created to make administration better suited to various content types.

Login is integrated with LDAP to enable students to login to student info section with their windows domain accounts. Student info section contains mostly articles.
17th of November, 2016


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