Mykonos Rooms and Apartments Association

MykonosRnA was a really tough challenge since we had a very short deadline, and summer is very close. So and tourists need to arrange their place to that they will stay in. So, we believe it is a truly admirable achievement.
This site's purpose is to exhibit to the customer every single Mykonos' apartment and not only those who can be only seen or advertised on a website .Additionally, it has a very flexible method of searching with a lot of criteria given ,such as facilities, price, category and many more , in order to give the customer the most help available. Also, the visitor can book even from our website. As for the owners of their apartments, they have their own access area where they can only see their property and can make corrections ,upload or switch his autobiography.
This site was created with Joomla 3.6 using a two language environment ,English and Greek. The template that was used is called WT Boss by Warp Theme with an internal Helix framework. The front page is consisted of sections in which the customer can transfer from throughout the sections with a very smooth movement. The component used for the developing this website is Jomholiday by .But , but we had some terrible issues (too many Jquery conflicts) .Although problematic , we already had a progress on the component, so we decided to keep it the same one.
29th of March, 2017


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