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"Into the world of Photography"

First launched in 2015, iFocus.gr is one of Greece's top photography websites. It caters to all Greek-speaking lovers of creative photography offering news, articles and features on a daily basis.
iFocus.gr first launched in 2015, based on a custom CMS that reached its limitations within a few months. The front end utilized black & grey colors and put no emphasis on typography.

All 1.300+ existing articles were exported from the old database, stripped of junk styles and prepared for import to a fresh Joomla installation via CSVI Pro. All content images were optimized before being uploaded to their respective Joomla folders. All embedded Youtube/Vimeo videos were stripped of iframe code and are now handled by the JW All Videos plugin. All preexisting article galleries are now handled by the JW SIG Pro extension.

The custom template uses Bootstrap 3, Google Fonts, Font Awesome 4 and some jQuery. It's quite modular, offering the website owner enough flexibility to adapt the layout as future needs dictate. The minimal design puts emphasis on the content images, while clean, stylish typography increases readability.

Other tools used: RS Form Pro, jQuery Easy, ShareThis (social sharing buttons)
13th of October, 2017


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