Website of a company promoting and selling steel (frame) construction. Lots of promotional editorials and various construction services offered. The site includes a directory of example architectural designs with a search and filter function.
Target audience are both the future house owners and construction related companies (architects/designers, construction management, construction).
Target audience are both the future house owners and construction related companies (architects/designers, construction management, construction).
Joomla 3.6 using:
- Site/pagebuilder: Yootheme Pro
- CCK: K2 (and SIGpro)
- Presentation: Zentools2
- Search and filter: JA K2 Filter
- Forms: RSForms! Pro
- General: Akeeba backup and Admintools, ITPmeta, OSMap, JCE editor
- Site/pagebuilder: Yootheme Pro
- CCK: K2 (and SIGpro)
- Presentation: Zentools2
- Search and filter: JA K2 Filter
- Forms: RSForms! Pro
- General: Akeeba backup and Admintools, ITPmeta, OSMap, JCE editor