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Cardinals South Coast

Cardinals and Honda Partnership and Cardinals Service Centre have been involved in the automotive industry since 2008 and provide low mileage late model pre-owned vehicles for sale and operate a Honda dealership and RMI certified service centre.
A large amount of business is generated from online requests, and the platform is user friendly, mobile compatible and well indexed by all the major search engines.
Cardinals Motor Corporation (South Coast) South Africa
Used Joomla 3.x and template by JReviews called Ireview3 with bootstrap.

This site comes as a standard Joomla installation with the Ireview3 template which has been adapted to best display the main component, created by myself to suit the South African automotive industry. The quality of commercial components available for this purpose is really poor, there is no support and the features are mostly useless. This component has developed over 4 years, originally created for a Joomla 1.5 installation, then J2.5 and now J3.x.

The customer wanted potential buyers to be able to find the product, see the product, and contact the seller as quickly as possible, so simple design with few frills was my approach. I have worked for this client since 2009.

No plans for a J4.x version soon, this version will adapt as the industry changes, but the platform is capable for the foreseeable future.
24th of December, 2017


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