SERVICE CHRYSSIKOS | Citroen and Peugeot specialized workshop

Service Chryssikos is a local business workshop that is specialized for Citroen and Peugeot vehicles. With more than 25 years experience in the vehicle field, service Chryssikos is a workshop that many Citroen and Peugeot vehicle owners trust.
Site built using Joomla 3.x and designed template from scratch. The website is fully responsive.
  • Good Presentation
    This site presents new vehicles nice and neat, I did notice on some new listings, test drive application did not appear, where on others it did. I think this is important on the listing page. Used cars page, the component has too many fields, not needed and take up time for staff to load, you may find some customers won't complete this component properly because of all the fields. But a nice project. Second time I tried to view the site, I got a 404 on the home page, so little confused.
    6 years ago -
31st of December, 2017