Classics Against Cancer Georgetown's Annual Father's Day Classic Car Show

This site is for Classics Against Cancer Car Show, an annual fundraiser event with funds in support of childhood cancer. 2017 marked the 30th year of the show and my second iteration of the website.

When I found out several years ago that a friend had taken over running the event I volunteered to take care of the website for him. It has been a pleasure to work with Chris on this but also an honour to be able to do this for my home town show. My Dad and I used to go to this show so all the feels.
Site is built in Bootstrap 3 utilizing the Embryo template. Unlike my usual builds, this one the home page design was done by Jeremy Letkemann and integration was done by AM Graphix. There were some challenges as the design didn't account for responsive viewing. Lots of finessing was required.

The site makes large use of the Joomla core banners functionality and has for many years now. Utilizing banners allows the site to track views/click throughs for all the sponsors so when organizers go out every year they can provide the traffic sent to their site. For the cost of sponsorship the price per click is very cheap indeed.

Form Maker Pro was used for the forms on the site and allowed for payment with registration.
13th of February, 2018


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