Ecotech Machinery - Industrial Grinding & Turning Machines

The website is an online product index for the Ecotech Machinery machine product portfolio of large industrial grinders and lathes.

In 1983, Ecotech Machinery was started as the sales and support arm of the main machine tool builder, Shanghai Machine Tool Works (SMTW). Ecotech Machinery produces machine tools (CNC & manual) to empower customers to achieve effective and efficient manufacturing operations.
Using Joomla with the Yootheme Zoo extension, this website was designed to easily allow users to explore the different offered products while also focused on ranking well for their target keywords.

The site was originally built on Joomla 1.5 and has been upgraded multiple times to get it to the current version of Joomla. There were many challenges in these migrations migrating the main content as well as the Zoo product information.
28th of March, 2018


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