Lithotopos is hilly village , built on two hills, in the foothills of Krousia Mountains next to the river Strymon and the southern tip of the lake, with fantastic views, since in front of it a magic picture conjures, where water and nature in perfect harmony compose unique images in the eyes of the visitor. In you can find Hotels, accommodation, restaurants, farming, agriculture, fishing, tours, coffee and various local businesses .
This website promotes the village Lithotopos and Lake Kerkini which belongs to the NATURA 2000 European Network and is protected under the RAMSAR convention as one of the 10 Wetlands of International Importance in Greece. The website is bilingual English and Greek and the visitors can discover information about local businesses, services and products offered by Lithotopos (accommodation, restaurants, farming, agriculture, fishing, tours, coffee etc). The website is responsive and can be viewed by mobile devices.