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Estuda Lá - Apadrinhe Cá os Estudos de Lá

The "Estuda-Lá" website was created for Ad Gentes ongd to show donors, schools and children who need support in their school studies. It presents as a model of sponsorship of youth studies in Mozambique and Guinea Bissau where young people engage with sponsors to study and send their school results. On the site, it features some former students who benefited from sponsorship and invites donors to enroll in the program
For this site, the basic needs were to present the children who would benefit from the support and to invite donors to register. So we opted for a framework where we could present photos, videos, create visual interactivity and as such, we turned to SP Page Builder for the pages of the site, and the ChronoForms component for donor registration through a form created for this purpose
12th of September, 2018


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