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RetroComputers.gr - A site dedicated to retro computers, retro consoles and their history, retro gaming, and also the collections of old computers, consoles and video games.

There is a forum to discuss everything about retro games and retro hardware / software or about the collections of retro computers / consoles,, there are huge galleries with photos of my private collections of retro computers / consoles / games in a form like a kind of a virtual museum, articles with useful information about retro computers etc.

Also the team of the site performs retro computers and consoles exhibitions (retro gatherings) to the public for free with a lot of retro gaming, giving the opportunity to young and old people to see live the history of computers and gaming for free.
The site was built in Joomla! 2.5 and has been updated to Joomla! 3.x.
Site is always updated to the latest Joomla! version.
It's responsive and uses the Joomla's template protostar.
25th of September, 2018


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