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Marion Apartments

“Marion Apartments” is a complex of renting apartments, each and every one being independent. They’re being located in Kourouta beach, one of the most beautiful costal region in Peloponnese, Greece. Every visitor can enjoy peaceful, family-friendly holidays with prices that everyone can afford. The owners are always welcome and willing to fulfill every wish of their guests and make their accommodation truly remarkable. The apartments are fully decorated in order to make themselves feel like home.
The website is built in Joomla! 3.9, and developed with two different languages, Greek and English. The template that was used to develop this site is ehotelbooking which contains Helix Framework.The component J-Hotelreservation was also needed to create the ability of a website visitor to reserve an apartment. The need to apply a better style in the front-page was a job for Slideshow CK. Lastly, the module portfolio gallery image beautiful was installed to create a better user experience.
23rd of February, 2019


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