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High Conflict Diversion Program

The High Conflict Diversion Program helps parents and families in the United States struggling with high-conflict divorce and custody cases. The program offers both online and in-person court-approved classes along with mediation, coaching and family court preparation services.
After years of working with a WordPress website and budget web development companies, the High Conflict Diversion Program decided their website should be modernized and better market their classes and services.
Content-writing services ensured the written text on the website was clear, concise and effectively communicated the benefits the company provides.
Instead the stock images of actors yelling at each others, we selected captivating images of animals fighting to convey the conflict aspect while images of happy single-parent families demonstrate positive outcomes.
Using a template utilizing the UIKit framework, the site uses RSForms Pro to collect information from potential clients and directly pass data to their SalesForce.com CRM.
Their podcast, "The High Conflict Co-Parenting Podcast" is directly syndicated into the website using Joomla! native Newsfeed extension.
sh404SEF and JCH Optimizer ensure new URLs are optimized, old urls are redirected and page load speeds are maximized.
11th of April, 2019


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