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Luxor finans

Luxor Finance offers the market's main products and services from a large number of insurance companies and financial institutions.

With great commitment, we put ourselves on the customer's side to find the best solution for a safer and richer life. We meet the needs of companies and individuals with our broad offering, our strong local presence and through our participation in the intermediary organization Hjerta we get the great organization's opportunities and benefits.

We deliver value to our customers through proximity, commitment and freedom. Today, Luxor Finance is located in 6 locations and Hjerta in more than 40 locations around Sweden.

We continue to grow and create the best adviser organization of the future near our customers.
Joomla version: 3.9.5
Template: Hydrogen on Gantry 5 framework by RocketTheme
Modules used: AcyMailing, FavPromote, Slideshow CK, DJ-ImageSlider, Simple RSS Feed Reader (by JoomlaWorks)
6th of May, 2019


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