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FastiNy is a real estate company that manages and manages its own properties and also manages other property owners and tenant-owner associations. We operate mainly in Nybro and Kalmar but also in nearby towns.

We cherish our customers and attach great importance to good service. The business is based on commitment, flexibility and accuracy. We believe that personal commitment and care for our customers' needs and wishes is the key to success. It is about your accommodation or your workplace so it is our absolute goal that you should feel comfortable and feel safe in our properties. Our goal is for the properties to be managed and maintained in such an efficient way that the level of service to our customers becomes optimal and that well-being, standard and value are developed.
Joomla version: 3.9.5
Template: Hydrogen on Gantry 5 framework by RocketTheme
Modules used: Forms, FavImageHover, FavPromote, JD Simple Contact Form
6th of May, 2019


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