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The website was built using Joomla 3.9 and SP Page Builder. The client provided no brief so our team created a fresh CI and entirely unique design and layout. The only item the client briefed our design team on was on the logo, which is the client's selection of a number of logos presented. The company sells and install air conditioning units, water cooling systems, filtering systems and servicing and repairs to these products. The website in an entirely new design from their out-dated and non-responsive website. Using aggressive and ongoing SEO and social media ad campaigns, the site serves to connect potential new customers with the sales manager. Live chat has been included and is managed directly by the company's sales manager.
With no brief from the client, our design team used Joomla 3.9 and SP Page Builder to create responsive and interactive pages. The primary purpose of the site is to effortlessly connect new customers with the client through live chat or using the contact features available on selected pages. Social media campaigns and effective SEO are the main tools that are used to bring users to the website. Live chat plays a crucial role in connecting new customers with the client as effortlessly and as swiftly as possible. The only request from the client for the website is to deliver leads instantly to the sales team to capture the client before searching further.
8th of May, 2019


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