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Muoversi Liberi

"Muoversi Liberi" is an information site, insights and news on the world of disability,accessibility and mobility for elderly people and disabled people.

The website wants to adequately inform these people, to help them regain their autonomy, even putting them in contact with companies or industry experts.

The site deals with topics such as stairlifts, elevators, solutions for the disabled in public and private buildings.

Topics also include financial costs and facilities, laws and regulations on disability and mobility for the elderly.
This site is build on Joomla 3.9.x, with a customised template based on Helix Ultimate.
Only standard Joomla articles are used.
For speed optimization was used JCH.

The site was developed following a well-defined SEO strategy, intercepting the keywords of the sector.
The site is structured with a few "silos" categories, so it contains in each category only a very specific type of content.

In the future, a lead generation system will be launched to put users in contact with suppliers of "services and products" for the disabled and the elderly.

The site is integrated with "Disqus" to create interactions and discussions on the topics covered.
12th of July, 2019


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