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Plainview Old Beth Page Public Library

We built the Plainview Public Library back several years ago, it has been through many style iterations over the years. The technology representatives have changed hands as well, with each transition, we trained the head of technology on how to manage the website, and how to continue making it better for their patrons.
The display of 'movies' is using a float version of jevents, to make the 'movies' more dynamic and more 'fun to look at.

We have recently adjusted the 'teen page', and focused on using ignite gallery for a top slideshow, then image buttons below to take them to other areas of the website that are important to the teens.

1. Ignite gallery for slide show and image displays
2. Mosets tree for their complex database and magazine listing for resources
They have a very complex system of database resources that link to various categories. We had to customize the overall display depending on the ip address. If you are within the library area you are able to access certain databases, where if you were at home, you would not be able to automatically access those links.

3. Each 'area' of the site has a slightly different layout and goal to it, depending on what that group wanted.
18th of July, 2019


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