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Hyundai Oudtshoorn

Recently acquired by the Capital Motor Group, this dealership is situated close to George, Western Cape, and the clients are largely farmers and manufacturers. Our brief was to make connecting the client and dealership as effortless as possible, and to provide OEM quality listings of new Hyundai passenger and commercial vehicles. Live chat, social media links, and clear contact details make it easy for any user to connect with the dealership. Joomla 3.9x was used together with SP Page Builder to create visually stimulating listings of the Hyundai range. This site only provides new vehicle listings, service and promotional offers, and a contact form and location information. SEO is important for this site due to its location, which competes with larger dealerships in this province.
To use Joomla 3.9x and SP Page Builder to create an attractive, responsive, and navigation that is effortless, to showcase the range of new Hyundai passenger and commercial vehicles. Live chat and Facebook messaging allow users to get in contact with the dealership without much effort. A commercial template was adapted to fit the Corporate identity of the group, organic search results are important as paid ad campaigns are not provided for in the company's budget. Joomla is ideal as when it is set up correctly, it becomes its own SEO provider, Client's brief was to connect this site with all other Capital sites, some still nearing completion.
18th of July, 2019


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