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Cardinals Motor Corporation South Africa

The brand Cardinals Motor Corporation is now a national motor dealership, opening branches in 10 new location by mid-2020. This site is to bring all the dealers listings onto one platform, but also separate them using search filters part of Auto Digital Component, autodigital_com for Joomla 3.9x. Using SP Page Builder, the site is designed to display stock from remote locations with stock from city locations, to deliver more cars nationwide, and increase sales in remote locations. Soon all Cardinals stock will be on this site, and each vehicle has it's own location, sales team, map location, with many other features our company designed to make the user experience exciting.
Using our own component and SP Page Builder, we've built one site for all dealerships to list their stock, each location assigns a map, sales team, dealership details, and allows users to rate their experience after a test drive of one of our vehicles. The site is visually stimulating, easy to use, and boosts the digital footprint of the brand t.o all locations around South Africa. Two click rule we introduced to all our client sites, this means two clicks and the user is guaranteed to land on the product they searched for. Chat and custom contact forms make contact with the dealer instant.
31st of July, 2019


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