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Capital Car Hire

Capital Car Hire website has been put in place after it was acquired by an automotive group of companies. They had no brief and we did not understand the business model. This site has been built using basic Joomla tools, SP Page Builder, commercial template, to allow customers to make booking requests which is handled by a national call center. There is no component in place to manage the car rental process, which is being developed by ADT to suit the needs of a small but rapidly advancing company.
There was no brief, and we are learning the car rental business before we develop a car hire component that is unique to the client. The site is built using Joomla 3.9x, SP Page Builder, Contact forms and a commercial template. Over the next 12 months, a custom unique component will be installed to manage the process and handling of car hire meeting industry standards.
21st of November, 2019


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