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Collective is a 'think tank' of musicians with extremely diverse backgrounds, from metal to ambient to jazz, these guys have pretty much been all over. In August 2013, during a coffee session with the guitar in hand and some strange ideas in their heads, they finally decided to do something with their creations and form a band.
Collective are proud Joomla! advocates - Welcome to our website.
Integration of SAAS solutions such as video players, audio players and social media feeds into a javascript based tabbed environment to create a fast and responsive website that ticks all the boxes for a band / musician website.

Elements used:
- Joomla! (of course)
- Jotform contact forms
- BandCamp audio player
- Social media feeds from Powr.io
- Audio player from Spotify
- Audio player from SoundCloud
- Media slider from Powr.io for videos
- The Artis template from FavThemes tweaked to hide the logo on the front page, where it's not needed.
13th of February, 2020


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