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Joomla Australia

The Australian Joomla community is one of the earliest Joomla communities, because several of the original creators of Joomla are Australian!

In recent years the local Australian Joomla User Groups (JUG) have joined forces and rebranded to a nationally focussed "Joomla Australia".

During JoomlaDayAu 2019, talk turned to the current "Joomla Australia" website which hadn't been revamped in several years, and a decision was made to form a committee to plan a new site.

This new site was launched on 1 February 2020. The primary goals and target audience(s) of the site are:

1. Create a website focussed on and for the Australian Joomla community.
2. Ensure the site is usable and low maintenance for both admins and end-users.
3. Encourage participation within the Australian Joomla community.
4. Provide a resource for:
- Technical users - Joomla website designers/developers/builders/administrators/general users.
- Business owners - looking for information on Joomla in Australia.
5. To incorporate elements of the JoomlaDayAu website such as news and video, back into the main site so this is not lost year to year.
The site was built in Joomla 3.9x with a custom template. Functionality includes a Business Directory (Joomla core custom fields), Newsletter (Acymailing), JoomlaDay ticketing (Events Booking), custom forms (RSForms Pro), a forum (Kunena) and a CRM (JoomCRM) to assist with sponsor management for JoomlaDay.

All user data (mostly via the forum) and content from the previous site was imported and new ACL configured. Users can now submit content via a custom frontend form, and also submit a Business Directory entry.

Content from existing global Joomla websites was incorporated - for instance, the site displays Australian entries from this Showcase, from User Groups, and also displays all Australian Certified users.

A separate JoomlaDay section of the site was incorporated so that News and Sponsor promotional activities are available on both the JoomlaDay section, and also on the primary site.

Despite the project being run remotely across 4 states and 3 different timezones within Australia, we did not encounter any major difficulties and the project was delivered on time.
14th of February, 2020


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