Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/joomla-showcase.octopoos-dev.com/public_html/media/cck_dev/showcase_item/beforerender_content_metas.php on line 26

Estonians in Australia

Providing information to those in Australia who have an interest in Estonian cultural, its associated events, activities, organisations, service offerings, travel etc.
RocketTheme Interstellar template
Gantry 5 Mosaic grid particle for home page
Gantry 5 Logo, menu and bottom menu particles for all pages
JEvents component for event management
JEvents Locations module
Memorials (Joomportfolio) component from Joomplace
Roksprocket Tabs
Modals plugin from Regular Labs

Still facing difficulties to make this multi-lingual

Currently building multilingual capability with Estonian and English
25th of March, 2020


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