Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/joomla-showcase.octopoos-dev.com/public_html/media/cck_dev/showcase_item/beforerender_content_metas.php on line 26

Factoría Startup

Social network where a community of entrepreneurs and startups converge to meet objectives by collaborating and interacting together.
On the site you can upload your professional profile to participate in existing projects or upload your project to find profiles that want to collaborate on it.
It has tools and resources to validate business ideas, to solve doubts, problems and to make effective networking through collective intelligence.
The site is made with the following extensions:
- Joomla in its latest version
- Helix Ultimate
- SP Page builder
- Easy profile
- RD suscriptions
- Akeeba backup
- Icagenda for event management
20th of April, 2020


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