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Rentout is a free classified ads portal. It offers adverts from various categories. Add an add requires a registration.
Rent-out is a free classifieds website that focuses on simplicity and minimalism.

The number of main categories here is limited to just 4. Adding ads is completely free and without any additional fees.

To implement this project, we used our advertising component - DJ-Classifieds and the JM MyOffers template.

The template required few changes to the configuration without changing the template code unnecessarily, thanks to which the user kept the template and components updated. The project did not require any interference in the core add-ons.

Also, we installed the DJ-Messages component on the site, which is responsible for communication between users.

We have also installed a rating system on the website, and our proprietary DJ-Reviews component moreover fulfills this role.
12th of May, 2020


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