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Parish Association

This relaunch was built for a parish association in Dachau/Germany. 4 churches are organized together and should be represented equally on the website. We worked together with a project team of about 10 people from the pr-section and launched the website after 1 year of work.
We started building drafts and prototypes in 3 different screen-solutions with Adobe XD. After that we started building the website with Joomla! 3, T3 framework and K2 CCK.
We had to create a few article layouts, assigned to different categories like "Team", "Services", blog- and chronic-articles.
Most of the content is assigned to one of the four parishes. This should be shown through the use of a specific colour: we added the category alias to the item-class to assign the certain colour via css.
According to the drafts we had to design the K2 content module and tag-output both looking like a K2 Category layout.
On the joomla extensions website we found a K2 calendar extra-plugin, which can display items from different categories in the calendar-module (via ajax). An extra component was used to let the user choose a specific receiver in the contact form.
Additionally, we developed an interface to automatically import data from a xml-file for the "dates"-section.
3rd of July, 2020


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